Thursday, August 10, 2006


okk... i'm here to exhibit more of my works. haha. lazy to update the other site, will put all these up there soon.
The next two pieces are signatures. if you dont' know what a signature is.. well, it's the picture/text you have at the bottom of every post you make in forums.

If you actually want to use this pictures as your signature or for some reason, let me know! You see the ugly text 'alanrulez~ copyright 2006'? Heh, that's for copyright purposes, i see other people do so i copy also. But if you want to use the picture, just let me know , i'll send you the version without that text.

By the way, my blog banner is done!! I'm still trying to figure out how to put it up, when it's up, let me know what you think about it / how it can be improved ok! :)

EDIT: banner is up! and i changed the skin too ^^ because the orangey feel of the previous one didn't really match the banner. kudos to aaron teo, who taught me how to insert the picture and make some CSS edits :) thanks dude